Tactical Innovation and Experimentation Lab
Improving interoperability with joint operations, open communications, and enhanced network functionality
We are dedicated to driving improvements to Army/Joint Interoperability missions through a diverse set of studies, experiments, and prototyping solutions. We leverage DevSecOps tools and processes to rapidly demonstrate and integrate new capabilities in a repeatable and secure environment that translates to real-world operational needs. Our efforts are focused on providing effective, accurate, and consistent data and network exchange to the acquisition community while gaining significant cost, time, and schedule savings.

Experience and Expertise
- Interoperability and Operational Integration
- Cybersecurity and DevSecOps
- Automated Tools Development
- Small Form Factor and Automated Deployment Experiments
- Acceleration of Development, Integration, and Test Efforts
- Real-time Analysis Activities to Identify Non-Conformance or Anomalous Behaviors
- External Connectivity to Distributed Testing and Combatant Command Exercises
- Hosting of Multiple Tactical Software Products and Versions Concurrently
- Cross-Program Cooperation – Identify and Bridge Gaps
Task Orders
$1 billion+
In Task Orders
CONUS Locations