Missiles and Space
Multi-layered intelligence and analysis for systems, capabilities, and integrating components
The Missiles and Space Business Unit provides programmatic and technical support to define, develop, acquire, field and sustain capabilities to be deployed as integrated sensors, weapons and common command and control battle managers in Army, Joint, Interagency, Inter-governmental and Multi-national (JIIM) Net-centric architectures. Our team has extensive past performance developing overarching system-of-systems architectures with all participating Air and Missile Defense components functioning interdependently to provide a comprehensive operational capability not achievable by individual systems. Intrepid’s Missile and Space Business Unit recently contributed to the Milestone C decision for the Integrated Fires Mission Command (IFMC) program supporting the establishment of the Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) architecture including the IAMD Battle Command System (IBCS), the Integrated Fire Control (IFC) Network, and the Common Plug and Fight Modification Kits that network-enable multiple sensor and weapon components.

Experience and Expertise
- Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- Scaled Agile Framework Software Engineering
- Algorithm Design
- Hardware Design and Integration
- Integration of Sensors and Weapons
- Requirement Decomposition and Design
- Communication Architecture Assessment and Management
- External Interfaces (Link 16, JREAP-C, IBS, etc)
- Sensor Fusion
- Common Warfighter Machine Interface (CWMI) Design
- Composite Tracking
- Engagement Decision and Weapons Assignment Logic
- Multi-Domain Operation Solutions
- Force Operations
- Test Range Operations
- Test Planning and development
- Acquisition and Programmatic
- Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
- Logistics
Task Orders
$1 billion+
In Task Orders
CONUS Locations