Giving Back
Intrepid Ideal Community
The Intrepid Ideal Community Fund is managed by our employees and funds charitable organizations in the communities that we live.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Intrepid Ideal Community Fund is to advance philanthropic solutions to our community’s needs, by continuously striving to create the Intrepid vision of an “ideal” community which includes safety, opportunity, and care for all citizens.

- Must be a non-profit organization recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and contributions shall be deductible by donors under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Must be a community-based organization operating in the area of at least one Intrepid, LLC Employee’s Residence.
- Services rendered by agency must be open to all members of the community regardless of sex, race, religion, political affiliation, ability to pay or background.
Intrepid Ideal Community does not fund:
- Athletic teams, booster clubs or support organizations
- Campaigns (including United Way)
- Religious or political organizations
- Fraternities, sororities and alumni groups
- Human societies or organizations
- Ministries, theological or bible schools
- Pledges, tithes
- Administrative or continuing education tuition
- Professional associations
- School choirs, bands or drill teams
- Scouting organizations
- Subscriptions, dues, insurance premiums or student fees
- Travel, gifts-in-kind (real estate, personal property other than securities or personal services)
- Membership or subscription portion of a donation
Rules of Compliance for Organizations Receiving Fund Grants
Ideal Community (IC) monies must be expended only for those purposes, and at only the location, stated by the Applying Organization in its Grant Application. No IC Grant monies may be shared with or sent to an Organization’s national headquarters or other branch offices without explicit, written approval of the IC Advisory Committee. The Applying organization must agree to furnish audits and other financial information as outlined in the Application and/or as requested by Intrepid IC. All financial information provided to Intrepid IC will be held strictly confidential.
2025 Grant Focus Areas
ICF participants have selected the following two focus areas for 2025:
- Veteran Support / Services
- Food Banks / Pantries and Food Distribution
All grant applicant projects must fall within one of these two focus areas. We will not accept applications that do not.
2025 Application Deadlines
- Quarter 1: March 15
- Quarter 2: June 13
- Quarter 3: September 12
- Quarter 4: December 12

Intrepid Issues Final 2024 Grants to Nonprofits
Intrepid Issues Final 2024 Grants to Nonprofits Earlier this week, members of the Intrepid Ideal Community Fund issued the final two grants of 2024.

Intrepid Issues $5,000 Grant to The Caring Link
Intrepid Issues $5,000 Grant to The Caring Link Employee participants of Intrepid’s Ideal Community Fund were pleased to present the final grant of 2023 to

Intrepid Issues ICF Grants to Third Quarter Recipients
Intrepid Issues ICF Grants to Third Quarter Recipients Today, Intrepid was pleased to issue grants to our third quarter recipients through our Ideal Community Fund.